Monday, February 23, 2009

A Good Friend and a Suicide Bombing

A dear friend has just come to stay with me. He has come from his country of birth, let's just say it is an Islamic nation with serious issues with security. He hadn't informed me why he was coming to the states, but no reason was really necessary as I am happy to see him.

Upon arrival he informed me of why he had come... he had nearly been killed by a suicide bomber. He described walking past a crowded market square when he felt a shock wave and saw body parts flying in all directions. He looked back and saw blood and body parts everywhere, survivors covered in dust and blood. People running in all directions. The scene of horror he described can hardly be related here (not to take an H.P. Lovecraft approach to nebulous horror, but it really is difficult to recreate the fear with which he spoke).

Terror of this nature has become so commonplace that we hear "suicide bombing" and we kind of shake our heads and go about our business. This kind of thing really brings into perspective what this is all about, the terror, the carnage, the destruction of innocent life. People don't do the research about this kind of thing. I once did some reading on suicide bombers in Israel, the contents were awful. One of the victims of a Palestinian suicide bombings had few external injuries, but her internal organs had been pulverized by the supersonic shock wave which ravaged her body. Such blast injuries are common with these kind of explosions.

This brings into stark relief how heinous a policy of targeting civilians really is, and the power of coercion it brings. If enough people see scattered body parts in the streets, perhaps they will give up. Sadly, it seems to work. And when you have a fith column of apologists lying to us about what these people want, we are really in a tough spot.

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